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Geurilla Testing Response

Users who were surveyed were shown the multiple screens of our app, Overseer. They were shown the following screens:

  • Sign In/Sign Up

  • Welcome

  • Devices and Security

  • Security Check (Secure, Risk, Compromised)

  • Notifications

Testing Location

The tests were held in Google Forms pages, as we would allow users to complete surveys of their experience. We allowed our users to take it wherever they wished and submit their responses.


Completing Testing

Our participants were primarily college students, as it is a perfect representation of the core audience we are trying to reach. We reached out to five college students, which perfectly encapsulates the kind of audience our app is targeting. Overseer is meant for everybody who uses IoT devices, and college students are a perfect example of that. College students carry phones and laptops with them daily, which if unprotected, can be prone to an attack.


Running the Test

The best way to show our prototype app to users was through Google Forms, and we allowed for people to express their thoughts through that survey. It was a mix of multiple choice questions and extended response questions that would give us concise and helpful feedback. The survey itself would only take less than five minutes for the users to complete after seeing our prototype, and all we did was ask for people to take a look at our latest prototype and give their thoughts on it.

Updated Iterations

With our updated iterations, we improved our prototype based on the survey responses. We would change our font and make the text in our app feel less generic. Following that was suggestions of more details about what was discovered in each scan of devices. And notifications would be clearer about what they were indicating, like saying if a scan revealed a device to be at risk, compromised, or completely secure. One of our participants also suggested a feature in the app that allows for users to amplify security or offer ways to secure a device. 4/5 of our participants believed that our app was easy to navigate, so we will make tweaks.

Here, we made the notifications less vauge by adding the state of the devices in the notification.

Secuirty Check 5- State 1.png
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